For *Uncharted 4* I was responsible for gameplay implementation and scripting for level *17 - For Better or Worse*, and the *Epilogue*, as well as a setpiece in *20 - No Escape*.
*For Better or Worse* is a classic Uncharted level - players traverse a level with healthy dose of verticality, light puzzling, and fun banter between the player character and buddy AI. I scripted the various buddy AI interactions - leading players, helping the player out during puzzles, dialogue, and some scripted combat.
In *No Escape*, I was responsible for scripting the truck chase through a ruined city - this one involved a ton of managing destructible environmental props, including a tower the character is standing on that they then need to jump off as it falls over. In the end there is a small combat scenario where they need to defeat the truck with RPGs.
*Epilogue* was the final note in the legacy of Nathan Drake. It's got a rather large amount of interactions for a relatively small level, with the player also controlling a custom character (a young girl). A lot of care was also put into scripting her dog companion (not an AI, but involving a large number of animations that it uses to navigate the environment and follow the character - this required a lot of design work to communicate to animation, figuring out within our resources what would work the best to bring this dog to life), including being able to feed and pet it (aw yeah).
This level also required a number of custom camera setups for interaction with a wall of pictures as well as a cabinet full of investigable objects the character could pick up and examine. All-in-all, the amount of detail put into the interactions here for such a low-key sequence led to [Kotaku calling it a perfect video game ending](, which remains a point of pride.
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